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BBCG.01.02: Configuring Dynamics 365 for Operations Training Environments - Module 2: Provisioning a Local Environment

Although the best option for provisioning a Dynamics 365 for Operations is to use Azure as the hosting platform, you do have the option to run a OneBox environment locally through Hyper-V

Just as a disclaimer, a local instance of Dynamics 365 for Operations will be able to do most of what the Azure instance is able to do, but it is not a replacement. Because it is self-contained, then some features – like Power BI – will not work properly because the instance has not been provisioned directly from the tenant.  So buyer be warned.

But if you have a workstation with enough memory and processing power, or a Hyper-V server that is now idle because of all the environments going to Azure, then this is a great option for tinkering with the system, or even developing within Dynamics 365 for Operations locally without incurring the Azure hosting costs.

In this walkthrough we will show you how to provision a local Dynamics 365 for Operations environment and get it up and running through Hyper-V.

Topics Covered

  • Registering for a Connect Account
  • Registering for the Dynamics 365 for Operations Group
  • Accessing the Local VM through Lifecycle Services
  • Decompressing the VHD file
  • Configuring the Virtual Machine through Hyper-V
  • Starting up the Virtual Machine for the first time
  • Provisioning the Administrator User
  • Logging into Dynamics 365 for Operations
  • Accessing the Virtual Machine through Remote Desktop