50 More Tips and Tricks For Dynamics AX 2012
Dynamics AX is chock full of features that you can implement at the module level, but the true power of the product comes from the boat load of smaller features that are built into the user interface, the modules themselves. Also you can make Dynamics AX even more powerful by taking advantage of the other foundation products such as SharePoint and Office. The real trick is to know that these capabilities are there, and that is what this book is aimed to do.
In this third volume in the Tips & Tricks series we have compiled 50 more tips that you can take advantage of within Dynamics AX 2012 ranging from tips on how you can tune your desktop client, to features within the Dynamics AX application that you may want to start taking advantage of, to creative ways to integrate with Office, and even tweaks and configurations that the system administrator could use to extend out and control the Dynamics AX processes.
Even the most seasoned Dynamics AX user or administrator should find a new tip or trick here that will make them look like a rock star.
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