AW.03.AT.1.PDF: A Beginners Guide To Blogging and Social Media Promotion (Digital)
Blogging is something that everyone should do, especially if you are on the front lines of a product or technology and you are learning something before others are. There is no point in hoarding information away from others because in the end the knowledge will pass away with you and be lost to the world. Also, by blogging and sharing with others you will find that you will start to be recognized more as an expert in your field regardless of how big or small it may be.
But most people don’t do this because they think that it will consume a lot of their time, or that no-one will listen to what they are saying. But that is usually not the case. If you make blogging a part of your everyday life then you will find that it integrates in almost naturally into everything that you do and really won’t take much more time than what you were doing in the past. And also if there is something that you find that you need to note down in a blog for yourself to remember, then chances are pretty high that there are others out there that would like to know the answer. At the very least, you will start to build your own library of knowledge that you can reference back to.
The next major hurdle is actually starting, and that is where the following guide comes in, because we want to show you how you can easily create blog posts and other informational content that you can share and publicize with others in your industry.
We have broken it down into two sections. The first will show you how easy it is to publish traditional blogs through one of my favorite blogging tools – WordPress, and in the second part we will look at some alternative blogging channels that you may want to take a look at and also how you can repurpose your content to be published as presentations and other media types.
Hopefully this along with the exercises that we have included in the guide will get you motivated to start blogging and sharing with your community.
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