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BBCG.03.06.D365.2.PDF: Configuring the General Ledger within Dynamics 365 Finance (Second Edition)- Module 6: Configuring Allocation Rules (Digital)

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Now that we have configured our organizational units, then it opens up a squirrelly problem within the finances that with some postings, we want to distribute the amounts of the posting over multiple departments, cost centers, and even business units.

For example, rent might be shared across all the departments residing in that building. But we don't want to have to enter in a rent posting multiple times and manually calculate the breakout of the expense to each of the departments, which may be in proportion to that department's square footage of office space occupied headcount, or some other criteria.

Luckily there is a solution for this within Dynamics 365 for Operations where we can create Allocation Rules which wait for specific account combinations to be posted to and then based on an allocation rule, it will break up the posting and then distribute it over a set of pre-defined financial dimensions, and spread the posting amount fairly and automatically.

This module will show how to configure Allocation rules and then use them within the system.

Topics Covered

  • Creating an Allocation Journal Name
  • Configuring an Equal Spread Allocation Rule
  • Configuring Weighted Allocation Rules


Series: Dynamics Companions Bare Bones Configuration Guides
Guide:  Configuring the General Ledger within Dynamics 365 Finance
Module: 6 - Configuring Allocation Rules
Digital: 156 pages
Edition: Second
Publisher: Blind Squirrel Publishing (December 25, 2020)
Language: English
Product Dimensions:  8.5 x 11 inches

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