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50 More Tips And Tricks For Dynamics AX (Tips & Tricks Volume #3) Now Available On Amazon

Posted by Author, Curator, Visually Impared Squirrel Literacy Advocate & Dynamics AX Technical Solution Professional (TSP) at Microsoft on

About a month ago I reached a milestone on my Dynamics AX Tip Of the Day blog site ( and realized that I had compiled another 50 tips that I can share with everyone as a 3rd tip compendium.  Over the past couple of weeks I have managed to sit down and organize them and am happy to say that this weekend I finished the job, and now the 3rd volume within the Dynamics AX Tips & Tricks series is now available on Amazon.

I was a little worried about this one because it is over 700 pages of tips and step by step instructions with screen shots that I have painstakingly compiled for you all.  If you haven’t seen these books before, these tips are designed you the ones of us (myself included) that need to see how to do something rather than read instructions on how to do it.

Included in this compendium are the following tips & tricks for you all and hopefully one or two of these will make you even more of a Rock Star when it comes to Dynamics AX.


  • Setting Forms To Automatically Open In Edit Mode
  • Create Open Ended Filters By Using Ranges With No Beginning Or End
  • Change The Default Language Within The Rich Client
  • If You Don’t Like The Way Your Data Looks The Rename It
  • Convert Any Record Into A Template



  • Clock Workers In And Out Using Job Registration
  • Change The Default Party Types From Organizations To Person
  • Add Additional Email Purposes To Route Emails To Different Groups In An Organization
  • Showing Contacts First Names Last and Last Names First
  • Track Relationships Between Parties Through The Global Address Book
  • Track Social Media Information Against Contacts
  • Schedule Multiple Discussions At Once Through The Mass Creation Option
  • Create Appointments In Outlook Directly From The Discussions
  • Tally Packaging Quantities On Order Lines
  • Generate Product Bar Code Labels Through Retail
  • Quickly Update Prices For Released Products
  • Mark Deleted Sales Orders As Voided To Track Lost Sales
  • Block Users From Seeing Particular Journal Names By Making Them Private
  • Attach Unattached Documents To Records Through Document Management
  • Enable Change Management On Purchase Orders To Track Changes
  • Use Auto-Numbering Unless You Don’t Feel Like It
  • Split Your Number Sequences To Make Them Look Intelligent
  • Use Pricing Models Within Configured Products To Calculate Prices Without A BOM
  • Control Price Adjustments On Sales Orders
  • Create Filtered Alerts To Sniff Out The Data You Really Want
  • Declutter Customer Lists By Securing Them Through Address Books
  • Set Default Parameter Values Into Posting Forms



  • Perform Field Lookups Directly From Excel
  • Make Excel Exports Static By Disabling the Refresh Option
  • Creating Document Attachment Templates Using Word



  • Allow Multiple People To Be Involved In Workflow Approval Steps
  • Create Multiple Versions Of Workflows And Choose When To Use Them
  • Add Workflow Feedback Loops To Check Tasks Are Performed
  • Use Workflows To Trap Transactions For Particular Accounts For Review
  • Streamline Your Workflows By Automatically Performing Tasks Based On Conditions



  • Add SharePoint Documents Libraries As Menu Links
  • Copy Data From One Partition To Another Using The Data Import Export
  • Assign User Permissions through Active Directory Groups
  • Restrict User Access To Certain Companies Through Roles
  • Import Data Using The Data Import Export Framework
  • Restrict Field Access By Security Role
  • Copy Data Between Companies Quickly Using The Data Import Export Framework
  • Add Quick Links To Websites As Ribbon Bar Buttons
  • Deliver Blog Feeds Directly To Your Role Centers
  • Make Users Feel Special By Creating New Role Centers For Their Unique Roles
  • Add Flair To Your Forms With Achievements
  • Choose Where To Go When You Click On Pop-Up Notifications
  • Declutter Your System By Turning Off License Features You Don’t Use
  • Add Menu Items To The Tools Menu
  • Create Composite Menus That Combine Functions From Multiple Areas


If you want to check out the book on Amazon, then here are the links:



Remember: If you don’t have a physical Kindle then there is a desktop version, and a client for all of the tablets that allows you to read all of the kindle books.  If you haven’t seen them before then here is a link:

Amazon Not Fast Enough? If you are in a region that is not sourced very well by Amazon, and you need a copy now then drop me a note and I can arrange for you to get the electronic copy other ways (as long as you promise just to share the knowledge, and not the file).

Also, don’t forget that there are two other Tips & Tricks volumes that you must have if you like this one.  Here are links to their pages so that you can see the wealth of tips that are available:


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