Book Club – The Art of Seduction
Posted by Author, Curator, Visually Impared Squirrel Literacy Advocate & Dynamics AX Technical Solution Professional (TSP) at Microsoft on
The weeks book suggestion is for those of you that have read Dale Carnegie’s book and want to move on to the advanced class. Although we not look down on those of you that just want to skip making friends, and decide to read this book instead.
This book pulls in examples from all of the great seducers in history, including figures from the Renaissance like Casanova, Madam Bovary, Don Juan, & Cleopatra.
Don’t be ashamed to admit that we are all in the business of seduction. Not necessarily the Fifty Shades of Gray version, but more of the having customers fall in love with us for our expertise, and not wanting us to leave, or in the case of sales, wanting us to stay.
For example Casanova was not the most handsome of all, but when he pursued someone, he did it with 100% of his attention. When he was with them, there was no one more important, and he never gave the impression that he cared about anybody else. It was this undivided attention that made him irresistible. When we are with a customer, or a prospect, if we give ourselves to them, and live and breathe their company, how can they not need us as well?
Although when I looked for this book initially, I think Barnes & Noble had it misfiled in the self-help section, but now you should be able to find it in the business and marketing section, now that it’s been classified correctly. For those of you that don’t want to get too strange a stare from your seat mate on the plane who is not in the know about this book though, you may want to buy the Kindle version…
Robert Greene’s has written a number of other books as well, most written in the same style, and all really interesting. If you get a chance, then take a look. For me they have been a gateway to other books that he uses as reference, like Machiavelli’s “The Prince”, Sun Tzu’s “The Art of War”, Baldassarre Castiglione’s “The Book of the Courtier”, and a lot more. Maybe they will for you all.
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