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Using Service Management to Track Service Orders

Posted by Author, Curator, Visually Impared Squirrel Literacy Advocate & Dynamics AX Technical Solution Professional (TSP) at Microsoft on

The Service Management area within Dynamics AX allows you to track all of your service order contracts and service orders for your customers, will track all of your time and expenses against the service orders, and will also pass along any chargeable items to the receivables department for automatic invoicing to the customer.

Service Management has additional functions as well that allow you to track the items that are being serviced, define the tasks that are allowed to be performed against a service order, and also track the symptoms, diagnosis, and resolution to service order issues, making it a great tracking and analysis tool.

In this walkthrough we will show how you can create service agreements and orders, and then how you can use the additional tracking features within Service Management to get a tighter handle on your service orders.

The topics that are described within this series are:

  1. Creating a Service Agreement
  2. Creating a Service Order
  3. Posting Time to a Service Order
  4. Posting through the Service Management Portal
  5. Configuring Service Order Stages
  6. Configuring Service Reason Codes
  7. Signing Off and Posting Service Order Lines
  8. Invoicing Service Orders Time & Material
  9. Creating Project Statements for Service Agreements
  10. Creating Periodic Service Intervals
  11. Creating Periodic Service Orders
  12. Printing Service Orders
  13. Creating Service Objects
  14. Assigning Service Objects to Service Agreements
  15. Creating Service Tasks
  16. Assigning Valid Service Tasks to Agreements

In this blueprint we will show a number of the features that you can easily take advantage of within the Service Management area of Dynamics AX. By leveraging the Project accounting area, the Service Management functions give you a lot of power without having to invest a lot of effort in the setup.

You can use many of these features to track both external and internal service projects, so you may want to try using this for:

  • Customer Service Orders (as we have shown in this example)
  • Simple internal maintenance repair operations
  • Help desk support tracking

Additionally, there are features that we did not describe in the walk through that you may want to investigate.  They include:

  • Using the dispatch board to schedule technicians
  • Sourcing repair items from inventory
  • Creation of Service Orders from projects

Take a look at the Service Management module, it’s simple to configure, and could help a lot.

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