Let Your Vendors Enter Their Own Invoices Through The Vendor Portal
Posted by Author, Curator, Visually Impared Squirrel Literacy Advocate & Dynamics AX Technical Solution Professional (TSP) at Microsoft on
If you want to streamline part of the Accounts Payables processing, why not let your vendors post their invoices themselves through the Vendor Portal rather than with a stamp through the USPS. Through the portal they are able to enter in all of the billing information and line details, and also attach any supporting information as document attachments that will then show up within the Payables area page as pending invoices. The invoice then just needs to be reviewed and approved and it will be ready for payment.
You will become more efficient, because you don’t have to re-key in invoice details as they arrive in the paper format, and also the vendors should be happier because you will be able to pay them sooner because there isn’t any lag between the invoice being posted and it being available for review for the payables group. Everyone’s a winner.
The vendor just needs to log into the Vendor Portal, and select the Vendor Invoices page from the Orders group, and then click on the Invoice button within the New group of the Invoice ribbon bar.
Then a New Invoice dialog box will be displayed into which they just specify the invoice number in the Number field, and add a brief description in the Vendor description field.
When they have done that they can click on the Create button to create the new invoice.
When the Edit Invoice window is displayed, they can enter in the invoice detailed, including the invoice lines, and when they are finished, click on the Save and close button within the Commit group of the Edit ribbon bar.
When they return to the Vendor invoices page they will see the new invoice that they had entered.
Within Dynamics AX, you will be able to see all of the pending invoices by clicking on the Pending Invoices menu item within the Vendor Invoices folder of the Common group of the Accounts Payable area page.
Clicking on the pending invoice will show all of the payables people the same details that he vendor typed in themselves, and they just need to approve it to make it a valid invoice.

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