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New Bare Bones Configuration Guide is Available for Dynamics 365 for Operations

Posted by Author, Curator, Visually Impared Squirrel Literacy Advocate & Dynamics AX Technical Solution Professional (TSP) at Microsoft on

With the release of Microsoft Dynamics 365 this month we have started the process of updating all of our content to include versions of the guides especially for this version. We are happy to say that the first one is in the can and if you want to check it out here are all of the details.

BBCG02: Configuring An Legal Entity Within Dynamics 365 for Operations

There is no better way to start learning Dynamics 365 for Operations then to just dive in and start setting it up from a blank slate. As you start sculpting your system you are able to see how everything fits together and will also give you the muscle memory that will make you a ninja when it comes to using it in the future.

For traditional ERP systems, this is easier said than done because you need to first get the system installed, and then you don’t know where to even start. Luckily with Azure Hosting, and the pre-built demonstration environments that Microsoft deliver through their Lifecycle services, firing up a new system to learn in is a breeze.

In the following guide we will show you how to set up all of the necessary codes and controls within the Organizational area of a new Dynamics 365 for Operations environment so that when you do start setting up the Dynamics 365 for Operations system, everything will run smoothly for you.

Topics Covered

  • Configuring The System For The First Time
  • Configuring Your Organizational Settings
  • Configuring Your Legal Entity

We have expanded the content from the original version that was written for Dynamics AX 2012, including the new ways that we are able to import in data directly from import packages. For example – now you don’t have to hunt around for the zip code import file, it’s available through Lifecycle Services.

If you are interested in checking this guide out (or the earlier versions like the one for AX 2012) then here is a link to the all of the versions of this guide:

If you are really up for a challenge, then you may want to take on the Bare Bones Configuration Challenge. You can start with this guide and as we start releasing out the other 15 guides in the series then you can work through them as well. These guides will teach you how to configure a bare bones installation of Microsoft Dynamics 365 from scratch. If you complete all sixteen modules, then you will become a Bare Bones Configuration Privateer and we will send you a badge to prove it.

Or if you want to go retro then you can do exactly the same thing with Dynamics AX 2012 – all of the guides are already available.

Also, if you want all of the content on the site and all of the new content that we are delivering then you may want to think about signing up for a Premium Membership. Once you have that you can plunder the entire site and download any of the books at any time. Here is the link:

Also you may have noticed that we have had a small rebranding of the site – with the dropping of the AX from Dynamics, we decided to do the same as well. Now we are just Dynamics Companions.

Why is this important? Because that means we can now create content for you on all of the Microsoft Dynamics suite – how cool will that be.

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