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Track Skills And Education Against Everyone To Help Match People To Jobs

Posted by Author, Curator, Visually Impared Squirrel Literacy Advocate & Dynamics AX Technical Solution Professional (TSP) at Microsoft on

If you are always searching for people with certain job skills or education for those more specialized jobs, then why not track the Skills and Education levels Dynamics AX. You can track this personal information not only against employees and workers, but also any contact that you have within the system. Then you can use the Skill Mapping functions to find matches.

Consider this tool your own personal recruiter.

How To Do It…

In order to search for people based on their skills and education, you need to first make sure that you are tracking that information.

To update the Education levels against Employees and Workers, open up the record, select the Competencies and Development tab, and then click on the Education link within the Competencies group.

This will allow you to add all of the Education levels that are associated with the worker.

You can also track the Education and Skill levels against Applicants within the HR module as well. To do this, open up the Applicant record, and then click on the Education button within the Competencies group of the Applicant ribbon bar.

When the Education maintenance form is displayed, you can add any Education details you like against the Applicant.

Finally, if you want to even track the Skills and Education against contacts (in essence every contact in Dynamics AX)
then just open up the Contact record and click on the Education button within the Competencies group of the Competencies tab.

When the Education maintenance form is displayed, you can add any Education details you like against the Contact as well.

How It Works…

A quick way to search for people that have certain skills, click on the Skill Mapping menu item within the Skills folder of the Periodic group within the Human Resources area page.

When the Skill Mapping dialog box is displayed, set the Selection criteria to match the Skills and Education that you need, and then click on the OK button.

This will return a list of Workers, Contacts and Applicants that match your search.

How cool is that!

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