Save Time By Saving Your Task Recordings Directly To Compliance Process Documentation Library
Posted by Author, Curator, Visually Impared Squirrel Literacy Advocate & Dynamics AX Technical Solution Professional (TSP) at Microsoft on
If you are using the Task Recorder to document policies and procedures and then attaching them to your Internal Controls within the Compliance Portal then you may want to set up the Task Recorder to automatically save to the library by default, so that you don’t have to manually copy them there.
With all this new spare time, you won’t know what to do with yourself.
How To Do It…
Open up the Process Documentation document list within the Compliance Portal and click on the Open In Explorer icon within the Connect & Export group of the Library ribbon bar.
This will open up the library within Explorer. Now click on the Easy Access menu button, and select the Map as Drive option.
When the Map Network Drive dialog box appears, select a Drive Letter that is not currently in use, and then click the Finish button.
This will open up the document library again, but this time it will be referenced by the drive letter that you assigned it.
Now, open up the Task Recorder and click on the Parameters menu item within the Setup group of the Settings ribbon bar.
When the Task Recorder Parameters dialog box is displayed, change the Recording File Path to point to your mapped drive.
How It Works…
Now just record a task.
If you check out the mapped drive you will find that the recording is now stored there.
And if you browse to the Process Documents library within the Compliance Portal then you will find that the Task Recording files are available for you to reference.
What a time saver!
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